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Horse Shoe Spread #2


Similar to the Horse Shoe #1, this variant provides insight on different levels. The first two cards begin the reading with the past and present, but then the cards switch to a different focus. Card #3 warns you about possible side effects that could accompany the future outcome, #7. The base card, #4 shows desirable or undesirable actions to take concerning the issue. The external environment specifically means the people around you and how they feel about what you are up to. Things which could cause setbacks are indicated in Card #6, another more specifically focused card than what is generally labelled the obstacle or challenge card in some other layouts.

Spread Positions

  1. Past Influences
  2. Present Influences
  3. Possible Consequences
  4. Something you should consider doing
  5. External Influences
  6. Possible Delays
  7. Possible Outcome




Horse Shoe Spread #2







Your Horse Shoe #2 Reading

Past Actions Effecting the Question

Queen of Swords
Possible Future Outcome

The Tower
Present Actions Effecting the Question

3 of Swords
Possible Delays

The Devil
Future Results You Should Consider

Queen of Wands
Feelings of Those Around You

Actions You Should Consider

6 of Wands




Past Actions Effecting the Question
Queen of Swords

Her right hand raises the weapon vertically and the hilt rests on an arm of her royal chair the left hand is extended, the arm raised her countenance is severe but chastened; it suggests familiarity with sorrow. She is a bitter, unmerciful oppressor of those who fall under her reign.

Upright Meaning:

Widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, absence, sterility, mourning, privation, separation, lack of empathy.




Present Actions Effecting the Question
3 of Swords

Three swords piercing a heart; cloud and rain behind.

Upright Meaning:

Removal, absence, sorrow, emotional pain, delay, division, rupture, dispersion, dissolution, a mental breakdown.





Future Results You Should Consider
Queen of Wands

Emotionally and otherwise, the Queen's personality corresponds to that of the King of Wands, though she is more charismatic.

Reversed Meaning:

Good, economical, obliging, serviceable. Also signifies opposition, jealousy, even deceit and infidelity.








Actions You Should Consider
6 of Wands

A laurelled horseman bears one staff adorned with a laurel crown; footmen with staves are at his side.

Reversed Meaning:

Apprehension, fear, as of a victorious enemy at the gate; treachery, disloyalty, gates being opened to the enemy, indefinite delay.




Feelings of Those Around You

A female judge holds the sword of Justice in her right hand and the scales of Justice in her left. This is symbolic of fairness and the knowledge of the law, as well as the power to execute judgement.

Upright Meaning:

Equity, rightness, probity, fair, honest, reasonable, uprightness, nonpartisan, balance, justness, integrity.




Possible Delays
The Devil

The devil holds the lovers, Adam and Eve in chains. This card represents the fall of man.

Upright Meaning:

Vengeance, violence, disgrace, force, lust, lies, cheating, hoax, bait, snake oil, disorder, confusion, false values, compulsion.




Possible Future Outcome
The Tower

Lightning strikes the top of a Tower, knocking the crown off the top. Reminiscent of the Tower of Babel, two figures fall from grace.

Reversed Meaning:

Oppression, imprisonment, trap, tyranny, hardship, torment, persecution, coercion.