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Relationship Spread #2


This is a specified relationship spread that uses nine cards to analyse where a romantic relationship is at and where it is headed. The first card shows where it is at now, and can be considered the significator. The second and third cards determine where your partner stands and how it relates to where you are at personally.

Above the stem, the three-card base of the layout, a cup forms. Cards #4 and #5 show each person's desires, meaning what they want to get out of this coupling. Above this, Cards #6 and #7 show the challenge that this pairing presents to each individual. The final two cards at the top form the rim of the cup, symbolic of the taste of the relationship to each person, which shows how things will turn out on each side.

Spread Positions

  1. Your current state of mind
  2. Partner's position
  3. The nature of your issue
  4. Your desires
  5. Your partner's desires
  6. Your challenge
  7. Your partner's challenge
  8. Your outcome
  9. Your partner's outcome




Relationship Spread #2







Your Relationship #2 Reading

The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the right)

8 of Swords
The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the left)

The Moon
Challenges Which May Arise for You

Page of Cups
Challenges Which May Arise for Your Lover

The Lovers
Desires in Relation to Your Question

4 of Pentacles
Your Lover's Desires

The High Priestess
Nature of Your Issue

Page of Swords
Your Lover's Current Position

10 of Swords
The Current State of Things

Ace of Swords




The Current State of Things
Ace of Swords

A hand reaches out from a cloud, grasping a sword, the point of which is encircled by a crown.

Upright Meaning:

Triumph, the excessive degree in everything, conquest, triumph of force. It is a card of great force, in love as well as in hatred. The crown may carry a much higher significance than comes usually within the sphere of fortune telling.




Your Lover's Current Position
10 of Swords

A murder victim, pierced by ten swords showing the act of excessive force.

Upright Meaning:

Pain, affliction, tears, sadness, desolation. It is not especially a card of violent death, but the feeling of utter victimisation and hopelessness.




Nature of Your Issue
Page of Swords

A lithe, active figure holds a sword upright in both hands, while in the act of power walking. He is passing over rugged land, and about his way the clouds are collocated wildly. He is alert and aware, looking this way and that, as if an expected enemy might appear at any moment.

Upright Meaning:

Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination.








Desires in Relation to Your Question
4 of Pentacles

A crowned figure, having a pentacle over his crown, clasps another with hands and arms; two pentacles are under his feet. He clings to what he has.

Reversed Meaning:

Suspense, delay, opposition, bad economy, repression, stubbornness, penny wise – pound foolish.




Your Lover's Desires
The High Priestess

Crowned by the moon, the High Priestess is seated between two pillars, one black and the other white. She holds the Tora scroll and the secret wisdom of the world's creation.

Upright Meaning:

Secrets, mystery, silence, tenacity, wisdom, woman's intuition, emotional awareness, empathy, hidden truth.





Challenges Which May Arise for You
Page of Cups

A fair, pleasing, somewhat effeminate page, of studious and intent aspect, contemplates a fish rising from a cup to look at him. It is the pictures of the mind taking form.

Reversed Meaning:

Taste, inclination, attachment, seduction, deception, artifice.








Challenges Which May Arise for Your Lover
The Lovers

An angel unifies two lovers which are Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Upright Meaning:

A choice, decision, attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome, happiness, fulfilment, romance, variety, pleasure.




The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the right)
8 of Swords

A woman, blindfolded and bound, with the swords of the card around her. Yet it is rather a card of temporary endurance than of irretrievable bondage.

Reversed Meaning:

Disquiet, difficulty, opposition, accident, treachery, unforeseen disaster, entrapment, bondage.




The Future Outcome (To be read in tandem with the card to the left)
The Moon

A dog and a wolf join in howling at a brilliant full moon situated between two towers. A lobster emerges from the lake, ready to embark on the journey of evolution.

Upright Meaning:

Hidden enemies, lurkers, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, occult forces, error, the unknown, thief in the night, denigration, slander.